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Sacrament of the sick

If someone you know is seriously ill then their name can be added to the list in the Sunday bidding prayers for the parish to pray for them.

People who are seriously ill find great consolation from the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick; and if housebound, can request a priest to visit.

Mass with the Anointing of the Sick for those who are infirm or frail is celebrated on the first Friday of the month and advertised in the Newsletter.


If someone you know is close to death, then the Presbytery should be called day or night for a priest to administer the last rites.


Saints Peter and Paul

The Presbytery, Cranmer Road, Mitcham, Surrey, CR4 4LD



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Charity no. 1173050 -  Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark.

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